Saturday, December 29, 2018
Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay
The four ele workforcets of fiscal management argon fancyning, controlling, organizing and directing, and finality making. These four elements ordain be defined and explained in this paper. Also show volition be the accepted news report principles and the general monetary veracious standards. Ex amples of ethical standards of need and monetary coverage practices will be explored and notated in this paper as well. All of these points atomic number 18 important in the invoice practice of health handle management to help the judicatures run smoothly and to be financi wholey stable.Four Elements of fiscal ManagementPlanning lets a health c ar organization set goals and claimlines to remove sure their office is a triumph and that all in all accomplishments argon met. Controlling is ensuring that all areas within the healthcare organization are go overing goals and guidelines set and gives the organization the probability to prepare for any issues that may arise. Organizing and directing promises that the health care organization is workings to its potential and allows them to work on a day to day basis and beget any issues that may be looming. Lastly, decision making works off all of the other elements (planning, controlling, organizing and directing) by collecting discipline and making the final decisions on how the financial management will work. oecumenical veritable explanation PrinciplesThe common set of invoice principles, standards and procedures that companies use to compile their financial statements. generally accepted accounting principles are a combination of significant standards (set by policy boards) and simply the normally accepted ways of recording and describe accounting information ( in the main Accepted Accounting Principles , n.d.). Even with GAAP being a set of standards, in that location are calm down companies that will finagle numbers on their financial statements, so their financial statements will create to be scrutinized tremendously.General pecuniary Ethical StandardsEthical standards are compulsive largely by professional accounting and finance organizations and the monetary Accounting Standards Board. Small- byplay owners who plan to perform their own accounting go or hire accountants should be alive(predicate) of accounting principles and general financial ethical standards so they can maintain a positive reputation for their problemes (Morley, n.d.). Competence is superstar of the ethical standards that is key for a financial officer to uphold in an organization. Financial managers should follow the GAAP and cleave up to date with its guidelines. They should similarly uphold satinpod and integrity.Examples of Ethical Standards of ConductEthical standards of stomach is a set of standards that distri providedively order sets for themselves. There is no consistent standards of consider for a business, just they must include, promoting values, trust, good beh avior, fairness, and kindness. They are not easily enforceable and are always open to interpretation. For instance, men and women should be treated equally or treat the longanimous with respect. nightingale berth Healthcare code of moral philosophy are direct and descriptive. Some of their ethical standards of conduct are listed as all business conduct should be well preceding(prenominal) the minimum standards required by the law, each employee is responsible for the consequences of his or her actions, each employee must be the guardian of Nightingales ethics, leaders at Nightingale have extra responsibility of setting an example by their personal performance and an spatial relation that conveys Nightingales ethical values, our first responsibility is to the persevering and patients families that we provide our work (Corporate Social Responsibility-Code of Ethics , n.d.). There are numerous points of their code of ethics but they serve a take and that purpose to make sure t heir company is ran efficiently and respectfully.Financial Reporting PracticesA distinguishing mark of high performance organizations is a loaded internal control structure-controls that ensure patient care, compliance with regulations, internal efficiencies, and financial reporting. It is controls on financial reporting that are receiving a great deal of attention chthonian a new law, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. humankind companies are now required by law to document controls over financial reporting, in order to fully squall exposures and the effectiveness of current controls. Though galore(postnominal) healthcare organizations are not flat affected by the law, regulatory agencies could follow suit and require similar compliance. In fact, several states have introduced bills that require nonprofit organizations to adhere to portions of the act. This article provides a guide for organizations desiring to stay ahead of the curve (Godwin & Mueller, 2005).Significa nceThe significance of these examples are that there are ethics that need to be followed within any organization but in a healthcare organization it is extremely important because you handle patients and to ensure the comfort of these patients, a code of ethics need to be enforced for the organization. It is also important to ensure that financial reporting is done, so all finances stay up to date on a legal manner. It helps to show revenue, liability, and expenses and helps control the business effectively.ReferencesCorporate Social Responsibility-Code of Ethics . (n.d.). Retrieved from Nightingale HomeHealthcare http// Accepted Accounting Principles . (n.d.). Retrieved from Investopedia http//, N., & Mueller, J. (2005). Fiancial Reporting Practices A oecumenical Evaluation.School of Accountancy, Auburn University.Morley, M. (n.d.). Accounting Principles and General Financial Ethical Stan dards . Retrievedfrom Small patronage Chronicle http//
Friday, December 28, 2018
Persistence Of Memory Essay
Art can be utilize in a sum up of   bearings  to communicate and activate sedulousness of w arehousing in people. It is not exactly in the modern days that fraud is used for  communication and sensation of retrospect besides similarly  in the past clippings. Just to revisit the kind of write in the olden times the cuniform way of enters which represented actions or episodes. On comprehend the pictures, virtuoso could prototype out what that meant.In this, I refer to records maintained in sculptures, paintings, posters, puppets, cartons, shapes e.c.t A carving of an Ape interchangeable cosmos could stir somebodys memory approximately the early man and the evolution. Pictures drawn or painted and granted the names of  some of the Medieval time inventors give  a clear picture of the type of people who lived during the time and their ways of life.This includes c coveyhing mode of transport ( incase of a picture of an old  locomotive) . The weapons they used, the houses they used to build e.t.c It is apparent that there were no cameras during those days and before  then, but artists amaze made things vivid for  scholars to see and figure out how things used to be in the past.Take for example, sculpture or  modeled/ artifacts which  are all all over in the  Museum and other  historic preservation sites. They are sites of  attraction to the modern generation  which  delight in their beauty. They impart a lot into the minds of the viewers  and it is unlikely for one to forget what he/she has seen.Colour also has a lot of appealing before the eye of the viewer. artisan induce it that different colours  vantage point for different meanings. For Example Red whitethorn   among others things stand  for  danger Yellow for cowardice, cat valium for peace  and e.t.c. Religious people have different  perspectives on the colours oddly Christians asso ciate red with the  pedigree of deliveryman, pitch blackness with sin and white  with glory  so you can see that colours also  form  persistent memory in people.Nowadays, political critics use cartons in the newspapers to criticize or ridicule politicians or an aftermath they feel should not go uncommented. Cartons summary enjoy beholding them and getting the gambol of  them. You will find that with such cartons one  cannot easily forget the episode   dis worked by the cartons.This is another artistic way of creating and maintaining memory in ones mind. Some painting deeds have remained in the memories of people from the time in the past  to date.If you take the feign the painting of Monalisa about  the last supper and the work  has with  Christians today, you will marvel about  the semblance it holds. Leornado Da Vincil  of Florence painted the Monalisa between 1503-08 but  although Monalisa was stolen in 1 911,the effect it had on the Christians shut up lives today .Since copies  of it and the recreation of much more about it had  been scarred all over the creative activity by the Christians  and the lovers of art.  Today  a couple of(prenominal) makers  have produced  films which are showing  complete the world  over  his artistic  achievements.On seeing a film or paintings about the last supper, Christians are reminded a fresh in their memory of their salvation. demise supper not support  has the symbolism of Jesus giving to  his followers his body and blood in commemoration of their salvation.Educators say that seeing believes. When you watch a  film, you are not likely to forget what you have seen. So, films, play a great role in persistence memory enhancement  for it is not easy for one to forget what he has seeing in a film.The world is full of art. These artistic objects keep on recurring into  our memories wh en we talk about them or see similar objects. So, there  should be no  doubt that art separate in terms of  others and reveal about the way they see the world.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Communication and Your Spouse\r'
' discourse and Your Spouse social chat 10/10/2011 Jacey Saucedo afterwards reading ââ¬Å"Can We Talk? tec Talks well-nigh the role of Communication in Marriagesââ¬Â I realized how lots I suffer partake to it. I am a firm worshiper in communication and it being a key factor in both successful race. I feel as though I can relate to this article when controverting self-disclosure in relationships. I am a very vocal psyche anyway so in my relationship I am very vocal. I like to express my feelings good or bad.\r\nI open up and discuss any and everything with him. Heââ¬â¢ll never arrive at to guess or question my feelings for him. one time I got comfortable with him it was very comfortable to talk about my childhood, what I cute for my future and anything in between. I jibe that self-disclosure is important and is directly related to enjoyment in a relationship. If the person youââ¬â¢re in a relationship with constantly compliments you or makes your feel love th ere is no reason why one wouldnââ¬â¢t be satisfied.\r\nIf you can talk about any and everything and non good what youââ¬â¢re having for dinner that is elucidation that this person is really into me and non just with me to pass the time. I can check out that with gender differences the communication level whitethorn change. Iââ¬â¢ve experienced a military manhood that was not so vocal and up until this day has yet to open up about everything with me. I found myself fetching it personal thinking what is it about me that makes him not want to share these things from his childhood with me.\r\nI have had experience with another man that was very vocal he had no problem with communicating his feelings good or bad. He talked openly and candidly about his childhood amongst other things. I remember wholeheartedly in communication in a relationship. I believe if you butt self-disclosure in a relationship it allow for last longer and you will be happier in the relationship. References Can We Talk? police detective Talks about the Role of Communication in Marriages, NARA SCHOENBERG. Houston Chronicle. Houston, Tex. : Feb 6, 2011. p. 7\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Modern Society Essay\r'
'Modern fraternity which is very labyrinthine and a good deal contradictory has its origin in the ancient times as utmost back as 4000 years ago. late rooted in spirituality, merely having extend to attraction towards materialism, aroundtimes black marketing to wrong demeanor, inclination and commitment towards intelligence, logic and reason, yet superstitious consecrates argon rampant. Untouchability has been constitutionally abolished and class and community based un the likeness banned, its practice is ballpark and it is a major dick of vote-bank politics in India.\r\nThus, Indian familiarity presents a contradictory picture and hindquarters be seen in the perspective of a purchase order in the process of proceed channelise or flux. favorable change is a broader term which implies change in infrastructure, facilities and their distribution, change in thought, attitude and behaviour of the people, change in faith, culture, tradition and lifetime styles, etc. C hange is a earthy inevitable process which continues in either age and will continue to slide by unconstipated in future. Social infrastructure, cultural, attitudinal and behavioral changes do not remain static.\r\nThey ceaselessly change with the passage of time. It is the result of this cancel process of change that life underwent sea change from the Stone Age to the electronic computer Age. Social change basically constitutes a trans systemation at all take of thought, behaviour and action that does not say either a strict tyrannical or negative meet. In fact, the electrical shock cannot be confined to one direction only. Indeed the change has both demonstrable and negative impact which may lead the society towards progress or regression. Social change is not a sudden process.\r\nIt is a gradual process which takes lots of time to happen. Neither is it the result of any single factor. It is the result of so umteen factors which include demographic, expert, pol itical, economic, cultural and legal. Generally, loving conflict, ontogeny and expansion and k immediately conductge and scientific and technological advancement lead to loving change. Indeed, the explore and advancement in the field of science and technology bring about a change in the outlook of society. at any rate, the demographic factors likewise contribute to social change.\r\n arise population, rampant illiteracy, housing and health problems, big migration, etc. all project a bearing on social climate. speedy industrialisation resulting in economic reading and urbanisation has brought about the growth of slums in urban atomic number 18as as well as a great disparity in the standard of surviving. After freedom, the country with the avail of funda psychical rights tried to bridge the social gap by providing right to comparability to all its citizens and abolished untouchability. No doubt, it has a overconfident effect on society.\r\nIt has brought about a decline in social discrimination and reduced the exploitation of the poor. Cultural factors like Sanskritisation, i. e. the process explaining the upward mobility of a sub- set pigeonholing in a caste hierarchy, tralatitious attitudes and customs of the people. Law is also an authoritative tool to bring about social change. In the post-independence era, the Indian Government has taken numerous measures that concern society. The Constitution refuses to fuck the distinctions of religion, sect, caste, sex, etc. in the matter of the opportunities of elegant life.\r\nIt has queen-sizely mitigated a effect of social evils resulting from the pluralisitc nature of Indian society with regard to religion and caste. Freedom of sentiment as a Fundamental right wing has made religion a respective(prenominal)(prenominal) choice rather than its earlier autocratic and all- pervasive nature for a family or a group. Endogamous nature of casteism is now on the wane as intermarriage, and even inte r- religious ones catch been legalised. Reservations in jobs and freedom in the choice of vocations take aim promote vertical mobility of valet de chambrey families, irrespective of their caste and class affiliations.\r\nIn short, laws play large(p) fiber in social changes. Family, which has been approximately universally considered the ideal and perfect living arrangement, and the backbone of social structure has undergone a transformation under the impact of industrialisation, urbanisation, broadcast of education, large-scale migration and other changes taking run in different spheres of life. Nuclear families concord taken the place of joint family system. viridity residence and property argon beingness substituted by functional joint families, who converge their social obligations towards each other and follow to help each other in their hours of need.\r\n without delay old age is sensed with fear. This is rather recent phenomena. The old argon now taken as a li ability. Old age is viewed as an unavoidable, unenviable and problem-ridden phase of life. This is one of the gifts of modern life. In recent times, economic development and technological advancements have been rapid. They have an inevitable impact on social attitudes and values. This progress has led to the detriment of cherished values. With enhanced earning, index and growing consumerism, the parents and children have altered their receipt to family life. The nature of parenting nd role of spouses have undergone sea change. Family bonds are eroding unfluctuating in society, it is particularly frequent in urban society where youngsters, in large numbers, migrate for studies or jobs, their parents, left alone, are faced with the problem of emotional passage and a fear of future. Economic independence has brought in its wake, individualism. In an economically item-by-item society everybody wants to assert himself. A man wants his prominence in various spheres of life. He no daylong likes to be disregard or undervalued. It has enormously affected the woman.\r\nNow she wants her role in family and society as well. This is, in fact, a challenge to the traditional view of society that women as a class are inferior to men. However, her role in decision-making is assuming significance. Modern women are quite aware of their rights and privileges. At the kindred time social attitude towards women is also changing, though the process is slow. Todayââ¬â¢s society is one of freedom and inquiry. In this age of individualism, authority is no longer unquestionably accepted by children. In this age of Information Technology, children are often more informal and aware than their parents.\r\nThey no longer stand in fear of parents or any elderly persons. valet values and ethics have taken a backseat. Relations today are increasingly based on temporal considerations. As a consequence, lovingness and obligations have been lost in society. This, in a way, leads t o conflict and confusion, adversely affecting family bonds or ties. Age old values of tolerance, hospitality, warmth of attachments, politeness and patience are abstain fading out. However, some changes in society are pleasant and encouraging. Technological innovations have changed even the common peopleââ¬â¢s way of life.\r\nThis change can be felt even at the village levels. The prevalence of superstitions and evil practices are no longer as frequent and common in society as they were during the pre-independence era. The availability of mass media has changed the village life also. The opinion behaviour and lifestyle of the villagers have tremendously changed. This exposure, though not always beneficial, has served to rude Indian minds to receive new ideas and views. As a whole, the change on the mental level, has been slow, however, it is encouraging. Thus, at every level and in every sphere, Indian society is experiencing changes.\r\nThe changes are more pronounced and no ticeable in terms of dress, behaviour and egalitarianism fleck traditional beliefs, even if they are overage and redundant, are practised and refuse to depict up their hold on Indian society. Thus, the contradictory situations create confusion and sometimes lead to conflict. The prevailing anger and licking arising out of inequality in development, loss of values accompanied by a greedy, grasping mercenary attitude, growing depravity on the part of authorities and the ââ¬Ë electââ¬â¢ find expression in the form of violent responses from the oppressed and the downtrodden.\r\nSeveral secessionist movements in different parts of the country are attributed to this retrogressive changes taking place in society. The change is inevitable in a dynamic society but it moldiness be guided by some principles so as to ensure a better future and a liberal society in which everybody can respect his share in peace and prosperity. Besides people must be amend and enlightened enough to t ake its collateral impact while ignoring the negatives for the betterment of individual as well as society.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Bullying: How Can It Be Prevented?\r'
' blustering(a) is a circumstance used to describe a tenor of harassment perpet located by someone who is in some way more military unitful, physic anyy or socially than his peers or the quite a little in the immediate environment. While at that place atomic number 18 those who say that push around is something that pip-squeakren ordain soon come forthgrow , there is no denying the f dissemble that intimidate has become predominant in nearly prep atomic number 18s all oer America today.Given this alarmingly high rate of swashing, the relevance of coming up with systems by which to compete with this social worry becomes more and more app arnt. However, to be equal to suppose a process by which cocking drive out effectively be prevented it indispensable to premiere examine boss arounding, its elements, types and causes. Only by office of an actualiseing of intimidation faecal matter parents, teachers and tames mightily come up with the necessary locom ote to reduce or totally take on the presence of blustery.BULLYING Main Elements of blustery The gooning has been identified by researchers as possessing the undermentioned characteristics or elements: rough and negative appearance, paraphraseedly carrying out of the carriage, existent in a relationship with a great derangement of power and the behavior as creation ââ¬Å"purposefulââ¬Â (Hazler 1997). When these characteristics exhibit themselves in both relationship that a soul has with some different someone, it is extremely in all probability that there is thuging.The aggressive and negative behavior stomach lots be manifested in opposite factors out-of-door of the relationship between the tittup and the dupe such as in the classroom or in the mood that the bully interacts with mint in authority as compared to the interaction among his (bully) peers. hector is non a virtuoso and isolated occurrence. A single case of abuse or assault, be it phys ical or mental, is often non a case of bullying as it whitethorn tho be the go forth of ââ¬Å"flaring tempersââ¬Â or ââ¬Å"minor disagreementsââ¬Â among school baby birdren (Hazler 1997). blustery involves constant aggression over a period of time.In relationships where there is a great imbalance in power between the parties, bullying is more or less(prenominal) likely to occur. The more powerful and aggressive person has been found to exercise a trusted influence over the weaker party and to look out over the other(a) party. Bullying is non just a serial of random acts of aggression. fit to a study, ââ¬Å"the acts perpetrated by a bully are non just random acts of aggression but a series of well designed acts aimed at effectively exercising domination of the dupe and being able to extract a accredited reaction that the bully is looking (Batsche 1994).When all of these elements are present in a relationship, bullying is most likely to be occurring or to oc cur. While these elements are not conclusive in proving or exhibit the existence of bullying, the existence of these elements has been guiden to check over to a certain extent the presence of bullying. Types of Bullying Bullying fanny basically be segregated into two distinct categories, be need bullying and in mastermind bullying or social aggression. Direct bullying involves look at physical aggression by the bully over the victim.This type of bullying is most common among males and is exercised by those who are physically bigger than their peers. Indirect bullying is most common among females and younger children. This is through by ââ¬Å"forcing the victim into social isolation done methods such as constant critical review of the victim, refusal to associate with the victim or by devising the victim feel leftover out of any social activeness (Batsche 1994). ââ¬Â Bullying whitethorn manifest itself in different ways depending on the direct environment and the partie s involved.ââ¬Å"Bullying,ââ¬Â according to a upstart study, ââ¬Å"is the assertion of power through aggression. Its forms qualifying with age: school playground bullying, sexual harassment. Gang attacks, date violence, assault, marital violence, child abuse, workplace harassment and elder abuse. (Pepler and Craig 1997)ââ¬Â. Reasons for Bullying While bullying is caused mostly by reasons personal to the bully, researches run through pinpointed certain factors as key to understanding why bullying exists in the first place.Researchers micturate indicated that people who bully have personalities that are authoritarian, combine with a strong need to ascendence (Kim 2006). The same study indicates that a famine in social skills and a harmful view of subordinates can be particular(a) risk factors. Other factors have been persistent to be the following: quickness to resentment and use of force, addiction to aggressive behaviors, identify others actions as hostile, conc ern with preserving self image, and zesty in obsessive or harsh actions. (Kim 2006)TAKING A STAND AGAINST BULLYING office of Parents, Teachers and naturalizes Parents, Teachers and drills should take an active role in remedying the task of bullying. Bullying is a behavior which often occurs during ones childhood and in certain cases continues in the immediate environment of these bullies upon stretchability adulthood. One of the keys to solving this problem wherefore lies in being able to deal with the problem in its ââ¬Å"infancyââ¬Â interpret (Harris 2006). The following are steps that can be interpreted to deal with this situation.Identifying the problem The first step that can be done to justly lead the problem of bullying is to be able to decorously identify the presence of bullying. Most students or children who are victims of bullying are scared to motif to the proper authorities for caution of being bullied even more if they are found out. The victims are in like carriage indecisive to alert the proper authorities because they do not feel that the authorities can do anything to prevent such bullying from retrieveing.For these reason, it is historic to be able to suss out the existence of bullying based on other factors and manifestations. Some of these signs that a child is being bullied are the following: lower self-esteem, unexplained broken personal possessions, firing of money, loss of personal items, unexplained bruises & antiophthalmic factor; injuries or stories that dont add up, missing or incomplete school work, decreased achiever in class, acting out aggression at home, and lack of interest at social events that include other students.At the first signs of these manifestations, steps should be taken to determine if there really is bullying deprivation on and this can be outstrip done by communicating to victim in a proper manner that something can be done astir(predicate) the situation if it is account quickly. Encouraging Victims to handle the Bullying The second most important step in dealing with this problem lies in being able to show to the victim and to other victims who are un bequeathing to musical composition incidences of bullying that reporting it to the proper authorities is the proper thing to do.In most cases, victims of bullying are tentative to report any instance of bullying because they are not assured that the problem can be dealt with (Kim 2006). The best method is in being able to assure the victim that there are people who are there to support him and suffice him out in this process (Storch 2005). The victim has to be assured of the fact that he is not isolated from any help. The victim also call for to know that the incident will not increase in frequence or gravity once it has been reported to the proper authorities such as teachers or school personnel.In being able to do this, the incidence of bullying can be drastically reduced when other children who have been victims themselves see that something can be done about the problem of bullying (Storch 2005). Assessing the Bully One of the most unmarked aspects in dealing with the problem of bullying has to do with being able to address the problem at the source which means dealing with the bully (Harris 2006).Bullies who are further or not shown the mistakes that they are committing have a high tendency of exhibiting such aggressive behavior out positioning of the school setting and eventually bringing them into the other environments which they are immersed in and thus perpetuating this wrongful behavior. The problem of bullying, as mentioned earlier, must be dealt with at its source in other to prevent more acts of bullying from happening.This method however is trickier than it seems because when approaching or confronting a bully it must be remembered that the person may feel that such act is a sign of aggression and may react conformably. The steps with which to deal with a bully m ust be done in a very non-threatening manner thus reinforcing the idea that aggression is not the best way to deal with problems (Storch 2005). The bully must be made to understand that such aggressive behavior has a detrimental impact on not only the victim but on the psychological and emotional growth of the bully as well.Counseling by an expert or peer counseling has been shown to be highly effective in these instances. CONCLUSION Bullying does not have to be something that nine just has to tolerate. Neither does bullying have to be something that a child needs to experience and be able to ââ¬Å" growââ¬Â in order to become a more mature and responsible adult. As this discourse has shown, there are and then steps that can be taken by persons in authority to manage the occurrences of bullying. The problem must first be identified correctly.The next step is to justly address whatever feelings the victim may have regarding the incident and ensuring that the aggressive behavi or that the victim has experienced does not repeat itself. After this, proper programs to encourage witnesses and victims to report any incidents of bullying that occur have to be done. The final step in solving this social problem is in trying to address the problem from the side of the bully and ensuring that whatever reason the bully had for doing such is given attention and making sure that the event does not happen again.Proper implementation of these measures will surely help in reducing if not ridding edict of this problem concerning bullying. References: Batsche, G. M. , & Knoff, H. M. Bullies and their victims: Understanding a pervasive problem in the schools, (1994) School PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, 23 (2), 165-174. EJ 490 574. Hazler, R. J. , Carney, J. V. , Green, S. , Powell, R. , & Jolly, L. S. Areas of dexterous Agreement on Identification of School Bullies and Victims, (1997). School Psychology International, 18, 3-12. Kim, B. L.Leventhal, Y. -J. Koh, A. Hubbard, a nd W. T. Boyce School Bullying and Youth Violence: Causes or Consequences of psychopathologic Behavior? Arch Gen Psychiatry, September 1, 2006; 63(9): 1035 â⬠1041. Storch, E. and D. R. Ledley accomplice Victimization and Psychosocial Adjustment in Children: circulating(prenominal) Knowledge and Future Directions Clinical Pediatrics, January 1, 2005; 44(1): 29 â⬠38. Harris, S. and C. Hathorn Texas Middle School Principals Perceptions of Bullying on Campus NASSP Bulletin, March 1, 2006; 90(1): 49 â⬠69.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Bumper Stickers\r'
'Every someone has his story, and every bumper sticker besides comes from a specific background of sorts. It may be pure brainpower, political satire, political stand, a line from a favorite movie, a striking line from a song, or names of oneââ¬â¢s children. whatsoever the sticker has, it regularises a lot astir(predicate) the owner of the machine in which it is stuck. For example, a machine has this to say: There is no flag large enough to peel the shame of killing innocent people. -Howard Zinn. This shows that the owner of the car values peace.It also core that he is against the war that the United States is put up with other countries. Another car agrees with this bumper sticker, manifestation Peace is Patriotic. Other bumper stickers atomic number 18 meant for humor. There is Iââ¬â¢m busy, youââ¬â¢re ugly, have a nice daytime; and Drugs lead nowhere, but itââ¬â¢s a scenic route. Another is Work harder, millions on welf argon depend on you, and tattle your mind even out if your voice shakes. These examples argon just some among the millions, even billions, of quotations that Americans lie with to turn into bumper decals.Though some de blow up exact a bumper sticker for the sheer esthetics of it, some would opt for something which speaks their thoughts. This proves that bumper stickers be a way for Americans to converse. It is used to tell others the side of the car owner slightly something, without be popish to the highest degree it. It is also a way to speak up satirically, lighten up serious issues with a play on language. However, there is the saying that all jokes ar always half meant. This can be said to be true in the case of bumper stickers.While the car owners are injecting humor into the messages, they are undoubtedly meant to say something. neartimes, it is an passage to speak about something without really saying anything at all. Americans are letting their car bumpers do the talking so to speak. Some peo ple post bumper stickers that say something about themselves. Thus, there are stickers bearing the words Lawyer, Vegan, American, Dog lover, and so on. There are also bumper stickers which make fun of what others are. A very funny example would be a Vegan bumper sticker with a deep-fried chicken graphic.A sticker with the words urbane women rarely make history is another(prenominal) funny example. All of these talk about personalities, and the funnier the message then the more arouse the bumper sticker is for many Americans. Bumper stickers are also good tools for recognizing the feelings of others and identifying it with oneââ¬â¢s own. A sticker saying: Caution: Backseat number one wood may well be chosen by someone whose wife or relative loves to play the roleââ¬and when an American has these words in his car bumper, it is sonant for others in the same situation to identify.Anyone who has been spy on by a pigeon will laugh at a quest revenge, shit on a pigeon bumper st icker. Drivers whose cars are old-fashioned or even screwball can identify with the bumper sticker This is not an abandoned vehicle. The same goes with bumper stickers saying Yes, as a matter of fact I do own the whole cursed road, which can be funny for other drivers to see. Other stickers can be astute too. There is Caution: Blonde thinking, which is a take against blondes. There is also the black Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.Other stickers teach lessons: Change how you see, not how you enumerate; Support our troops, bring them home; piece others advertise presidential candidates, political parties, organizations, companies, and even websites. Indeed, bumper stickers are already a part of the American life. Friends may even discriminate and share laughs on these wide decals. however on these simple conversations from such simple things, there is always a deeper thought. Bumper stickers say something about their owners, as much as the owners would l ike to say something through them.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Odysseus Essay\r'
'In the poem, The Odyssey, by bell ringer, 3 fast character traits of Odysseus, the main character, are demonstrated. homing pigeon makes all of these traits precise clear, they can be qualified as honest or unfavorable traits. homing pigeon dis influences these traits constantly scarce in different ways. In otherwise words, his weakness hurt him provided his brisk mentation would help him. Odysseusââ¬â¢ arrogant post could either be controled a good trait or a bad trait. Odysseus, the main character of The Odyssey by Homer demonstrates weak drawship, quick thinking, and an arrogant strength through egress his journey.\r\nThroughout The Odyssey, Odysseus much shows a very weak side of himself. non physically weak only if emotionally weak, thus Odysseus is of all time caught in the corner weeping. Calypso was the first to restrain ââ¬Å"turned he sat pip a headland weeping there as alwaysââ¬Â (Homer 155) which shows he is over spectacular considering the f act that Calypso says he is weeping, as always. Since this is a normal thing for Odysseus, some other example of this is when he ââ¬Å"buried his delightful face, ashamed his hosts might see him remove tearsââ¬Â (Homer 195).\r\nNot only is Odysseus often caught in the corner crying only he always seems ashamed of himself. He knows when he shows signs of weakness and he doesnââ¬â¢t want his men to think of him as anything less than the powerful man he is. Another character trait Odysseus demonstrates throughout the story is his ability to act chop-chop in tough situations. On rascal 317 the men are struggling to pr dismantletive warm.\r\nThey admit that the cold will do them in. But as for Odysseus, he has a course of study. a sentiment flashed in his header; no one can attend a man at plots or battleââ¬Odysseus had a planââ¬Â(Homer 317). Odysseus always has a plan, a quick plan because he is a quicker thinker. later on in the book when Odysseus distracts his people opus he hides the slaughters of the suitors. He quickly realizes he can have his minstrel play his music while Telemachus drags the suitors outside. Because of Odysseusââ¬â¢ ability to react quickly to his numerous obstacles he is always able to get himself out of the randy situations he is dragged into.\r\nIf it wasnââ¬â¢t for this trait, he closely likely wouldnââ¬â¢t have do it half as far as he did. Odysseus was always very sure-footed of himself in each problem he came across. So confident that I would consider him to be conceited. Some of the things he thought of himself were very true but others were what he thought to be true. Odysseus himself admits, ââ¬Å"my wits kept weaving- weaving cunning schemesââ¬Â (Homer 224). Yes, Odysseus is a very cunning person but he also isnââ¬â¢t afraid to admit it, which is where his cockiness came into play.\r\nAnother one of the many examples is when he is so confident he could win the challenge against Phaeci aââ¬â¢s best. Odysseus is challenging the Phaecians to ââ¬Å"go match that, you young pups, and at one timeâ⬠Iââ¬â¢ll hurl you another average as far, I swear, or even fatherââ¬Â (Homer 198) which is very confident of him.. They arenââ¬â¢t just any of the Phaecianââ¬â¢s but they are the best. It isnââ¬â¢t necessarily a bad thing he is so confident because it shows that he is brave and willing, but sometimes it can come off as him being overly self-asserting which irks his men and makes it difficult to get along.\r\nDuring The Odyssey, Homer portrays Odysseus to be dramatic, arrogant, and a quick thinker. He is such a strong leader but he always brings out the worst in himself but he definitely knows what to do in both situation considering he makes it home safely. Although he came across many life sound obstacles throughout his journey home, his quick thinking often helps but his arrogant military position sometimes ruins things for him.\r\n'
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